During the pandemic, DOCK 11 founded DOCKdigital.
At the interface of body and digital/physical worlds, system/game designers and media artists developed artistic works as interactive installations together with movement reserachers and choreographers.
In the OPEN LAB, DOCKdigital will present further developments as well as new productions.
OPEN Lab has a workshop character, in which the artists present work-in-progress as performances or interactive lectures.
👉 Dates / Overview
15 - 18 December 2022
Opening 1: 15.12.22, 5pm
Copy Catch Match
Digital choreographic play by Brit Rodemund, Irina Shutova and Warja Rybakova - inspired by "Catalogue" by William Forsythe.
Moved Sculpture | Forever Young
Choreographic Installation by Brit Rodemund
Move the Ocean
An experimental interactive installation by Baris Pekcagliyan and Beka Tcharbadze.
Film about the project to research spaces in the Uckermark.
Presentations of the projects of the residency "AR LOOP Machine "
Inside_outside: an anatomy of the digital body / More
Katja Vaghi
Nora Barna, Yumio Chanoki
Scheinwelten 1: Lost Gravity / More
Nadja Haas
Cell Farming / More
Katrine Bregnum, Jo Kolski, Bariş Pekcagliyan, Georgica J. Pettus, Maria Pyatkova
body parts {con}fusion / More
Nora Krahl, Laura Waltz
Social Juggling / More
Nora Krahl, Lidya Arinna Emir
17 and 18 December 2022
RING by Felix Ruckert was recorded in full length by using motion capture Rokoko Suits. Creative Technologist Warja Rybakova and Technical Artist Irina Shutova will present the post-production results as a video and a as a VR experience.
15 December 2022
[open rehearsal]
body parts {con}fusion
The duo of dancer, show and puppeteer Laura Waltz and cellist, composer and director Nora Krahl explore the interface between hands as control instruments and the human body as a vehicle of emotional expression.
6 pm in Saal 4 / More
CynetART + Amaze Space "Sleeping nomad"
7.30pm in Saal 4 / More
Cell Farming
Katrine Bregnum, Jo Kolski, Bariş Pekcagliyan, Georgica J. Pettus, Maria Pyatkova
9pm in Saal 5 / More
16 December 2022
[Sond Performance]
here is nowhere, nowhere is here
by Alois Yang
10am in Saal 4 / More
[Multichannel Installation ]
by Yeri Anarika inspired by "Drei Schwestern"
5pm in Saal 4 / More
[Presentation and Q&A]
RZK by Chris Ziegler and TEAM VOLUME explores the connections between the real and digital worlds through individual biographical work.
6pm in Saal 4 / More
A/V-Performance and Installationen by Katrine Bregnum/Sound and Baris Pekcagliyans / Visuals.
8pm in Saal 4 / More
17 December 2022
Opening 2: 17.12.22, 5pm
Quiksilver Seashore
An immersive, augmented reality performance with Harald Stojan, Alina Belyagina
3pm in Saal 4 / More
Scheinwelten 1: Lost Gravity
Nadja Haas
6.30pm in Saal 5 / More
by Katrine Bregnum where sound becomes movement, the heartbeat is a common wave in space and every part of the body is an extension of the collective core.
8 pm in Saal 4 / More
Aliaksandra Yakubouskaya/Aylak
21.30 Uhr in Saal 4 / More
18 December 2022
Cell Farming
Katrine Bregnum, Jo Kolski, Bariş Pekcagliyan, Georgica J. Pettus, Maria Pyatkova
6pm in Saal 5 / More
Emerging body
by Nora Barna and Katrine Bregnum
The emerging body process will be shared in the form of a guided impro session with 2 motion capture suits. This practice will focus on how it is possible to shift from organic to avatar body state and create an analogue-virtual landscape. Everyone is welcome to participate.
7pm in Saal 5
[Movement/Sound Jam]
Social Juggling
by and with Nora Krahl, Lidya Arinna Emir
8pm in Saal 4 / More
[DJ-Set ]
9pm in Saal 4 / More
By and with: Alina Belyagina, Georgica Pettus, Laura Waltz, Nóra Barna, Glenda Sanchez, Yumio Chanoki, Jo Kolski, Nadja Haas, Maria Pyatkova, Baldemar Botinni, Katrine Bregnum, Nora Krahl, Katja Vaghi, Lidya Emir, Joan Ling-LI Nesbit-Chang, Felix Ruckert, Janne Gregor, Christiana Casadio, Beka Tcharbadze, Omi, Team Volume, Chris Ziegler, Barıs Pekçaglıyan, Yeri Anarika, Jennifer Aput, Huachao Chen, Ulja, Aliaksandra Yakubouskaya, Albrecht Ziepert, Kim Gerlach, Angel Montes, Gebrüder Teichmann, Leonardo Laurent Mancuso, *a. Selena, Harald Stojan, Warja Rybakova, Irina Shutova, Brit Rodemund, Dominic Santia