Admission free; admission is organised by the UdK
Twelve students from the UdK's Master's degree programme in Theatre Education present their interdisciplinary final projects: Performances, rituals, mobile pieces, music theatre, audio performance and exhibition.
Since October 2024, projects have been tested with actors from different communities and identities. Primary school children join dancers, actors and aloe vera to explore the figure of Gaia and the future in times of climate crisis. An immersive performance immerses the audience in stories and practices of resistance and the transformation of vulnerability into collective strength. A mobile performance tests questions and experiments for collective courage for change. MOTHER* challenges idealised and normative images of motherhood in a performative and biographical way. The work SHAME ON is an attempt to be shamelessly ashamed together. In dialogue with the 'white sheet', the performers cautiously stick their heads through the wall and, equipped with a variety of papers, devote themselves to the theme of beginnings. Another transgenerative project works through the biographical experiences of the covid pandemic in a ritual. In a concert performance, musicians and composers explore the process of looping in music and cultural history. The audio performance FLUID expands the social negotiation space and evokes absurdities. Over four days, DOCK ART celebrates the confluence of ideas and collaboration between generations, disciplines and cultures, and invites the audience to join in.
Projects under the direction of: Vivian Aghamelu & Timeea Tantau, Ömer Bayram, Niklas Brubach, Amelie Herm, Julian Ketterer & Irina Loosli, Camilla Körner, Lou Salvador Lange, Georgia Lautner, Daniel Mark, Paula Veenema
Mentoring: Prof. Dr Melanie Hinz & Prof. Dr Ute Schlegel-Pinkert
Production management: Jingyun Li
Technical management: Britta Lohmeyer
Assistance: Johannes Vogel
Language: German and other languages
Duration: 45 - 90 min per project
Production MA Theatre Education course at the Faculty of Performing Arts, Berlin University of the Arts.
Funded by the Commission for Artistic and Scientific Projects of the Berlin University of the Arts (KKWV). Individual projects were also supported by the Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Performing Arts at the Berlin University of the Arts, the Performing Arts Student Council of the Berlin University of the Arts and Interflugs.