Applications for presentations
Please fill out the following form if you are interested to show your piece in our theater.
Link >> dock11-berlin.de/en/theater/haus/application
FAQs & SAQs (Sometimes asked questions) concerning the stage of DOCK 11
How long does DOCK 11 EDEN exist?
The hall with up to 99 seats has been a permanent venue since 1998. In our additional venue, the large studio in EDEN, artists have been able to perform for up to 150 spectators since 2009.
DOCK 11 gives the stage to a different artistic group every week. Is the primary goal to support the scene or to present something that DOCK 11 likes?
It's an open process. We try to create open spaces and encounters, and then look at what it is that actually interests us about each other. In that sense, there are both new and growing encounters. Since we show different pieces every week, we screen a lot and make a lot of decisions. But we don't want to set criteria that limit us in terms of broadness. We don't want to exclude anyone from the beginning.
How do you choose?
Our work takes place in the middle of Berlin. We focus on artists who work in the city and with topics that inspire them. However, dance in Berlin is very international. A lot of people are also based in the international scene. There are also people who work in other countries but still have a connection to the city and peer groups here. For artists performing with us, it can be important that they already bring people from their networko or possible interested persons to the event. DOCK 11 is always involved in the marketing. Because we want to show stylistically diverse work, we can't offer a regular audience.
Is the application limited to dance artists?
The focus is on dance, but there is also an openness to other formats.
How can an audience, which is not yet well versed in dance but interested, orient itself with you? How does one find the right piece for one's own taste?
Actually, a lot happens through exchange - in the scene itself, through classes at our dance school and through the networks brought by the artists. Beyond the website, there are also open spaces like the courtyard and the bar at DOCK 11 or the garden and the café at Eden*****. There, everyone is invited to come and exchange information.
The stages, the studios, the garden, the bar, the café, the guest rooms. You have used ecological materials for the renovation of the rooms. DOCK 11 started to plant a kitchen garden and pays attention to sustainability in the café. Does this motto also apply to the art?
There are no guidelines, but there is definitely an interest. It's giving and taking. We also like to learn from productions, or rather from the way in which they are produced and how this is articulated.
No motto?
We have a ritual. After every premiere the artist and the audience can light sparklers. Everyone who attends is allowed to make a wish.