
The Inevitable and You

Sita Ostheimer Company

The Inevitable and You

Language & Art Lovers on June 27, 2024
Language & Art Lovers promises a lively exchange about art, languages and life in the Foyerbar. After all, what better way to practise a language than by talking about what we experience together?


„The Inevitable and You“ looks at how complex, interpersonal relationships evolve amidst the density of life, in an endless chaos. How do deep relationships emerge in the opacity and diversity of daily communication? What existential challenges, instincts, and fears influence our togetherness?
Despite highly complex social networks, listening and empathizing are as arduous today as they have always been. Establishing a relationship means taking long-term responsibility, demonstrating courage and perseverance, and not being afraid - of both emotional intimacy and distance.
The dance in „The Inevitable and You“ is the medium of this inner struggle of being in relation. The piece unfolds in a continuous flow of movement, a dynamic, choreographic architecture that never comes to a halt. One movement initiates the next; instinctively, the dancers respond to each other, creating an atmosphere of never-ending intensity.

Choreography, Producer: Sita Ostheimer
Dance: Attila Ronai, Elena Martello, Camilla Branchetti, Cameron Bennett, Clementine Herveux
Music composition: Adrien Casalis / Vimalamusic
Licht-design: Barnaby Booth
Poster: Genevieve Reeves
Photo: Genevieve Reeves

Duration: 50 min.

Production Sita Ostheimer, co-production DOCK ART