

Video-Performance by Tatiana Mejia


dates: Video Streaming
29 May, 7 pm until 31 May, 11pm
Ticket sale / streaming plattform>

Kiskeya is the ancient name of a tropical island that oscillates between a tourist paradise for bargain hunters and a prison for its poorest inhabitants. One island with two nations, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, who are separated by their past and present – one is even working diligently to build another fence! One of the poorest countries in the world and one of the wealthiest in the Caribbean saw their relationship defined first by colonial narratives, and then by hatred, racism, colorism, fear, codependency, ignorance, denial of ancestral heritage, and a lot of plastic.
This interdisciplinary dance project unites artists from both cultures to communicate through movement, sound, languages, and the bonds of common traditions. From the "First Black Republic" to the best beaches in the world. We dare to try to heal the wounds....

Artistic Direction: Tatiana Mejia
Performance: Julio Joseph, Tatiana Mejia, Estelle Widmaier
Dramaturgy: Kareth Schaffer
Music: Gabriel Lora
Stage and Costume Design: Vanessa Vadineanu
Assistance: Anne-Kathrin Hartmann
Light Design: Asier Solana
Video/Editing: Micaela Masetto
Sound: Alex Feldmann
Grading: Agustin Melfi
Graphic Design: Gabriel Lora
Production: Jon Kiriac

Part of Performing Arts Festival Berlin 2021.
Funded by IMPACT Project Funding of Berlin Department of Culture and Europe and Fonds Darstellende Künste
With thanks to DOCK 11 – EDEN*****