teacher training

The weissmann Teacher Training®

by Jennifer Mann and Heidi Weiss

The weissmann Teacher Training®

The program is compact and accessible to dancers near and far. There will be three intensive one week blocks, held at the beautiful EDEN studios in Pankow, Berlin.

Please note, registration deadline is March 11th

Module 1 “Embodying” Monday 10.06 – Sunday 16.06.2024 (Sat. + Sun. only till 13:00)
Module 2 “Leading and Inspiring” Wednesday 02.10 – Monday 07.10.2024
Module 3 “Integration” Monday 13.01 – Saturday 18.01.2025

Daily Schedule 10:00–13:00 + 14:00–17:00

EDEN, Studios
Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin

What to expect
• every seminar day includes an in depth weissmann technique class
• learn how to integrate mindfulness, yoga and improvisation into your sequencing
• practice teaching with a live musician
• study anatomy with a certified Body Mind Centering expert BMC®
• access new material, fresh creative impulses, new teaching ideas
• LEVEL UP your pre-exisisting teaching skills
• exchange ideas with other teachers and dancers, be part of a community
• receive mentorship, be supported

check out the full program:

If you want to learn something, read it. if you want to know something, write it. If you want to MASTER something, TEACH IT!
–Yogi Bhajan, founder of Kundalini Yoga

Dear Dance Teachers–Dance Professionals–Aspiring Dance Teachers!

Are you ready to take your career to the next level of development? Do you want to discover new creative pathways? Do you feel a calling to lead and become more inspirational in the field of contemporary dance? Then LEVEL UP by joining the weissmann Teacher Training!

As a teacher trainee, you will learn the skills necessary to create a sustainable source of income for yourself as a dance teacher. As we all know, it can become tiring andn frustrating to always be dependent on outer circumstances to confirm your existence as a performing artist. Why not learn the skills necessary to create your own class, workshop or dance event?

If you already are an experienced teacher, consider joining our program to receive new impulses, new material, to brainstorm, discuss and exchange ideas with other teachers, while refreshing your teaching skills and class plans. We believe the significance of going deeper into our craft is a way to expand and evolve dance education, thus enabling well educated teachers to provide quality training for future generations. Consider joining the next round of the weissmann Teacher Training, beginning in June 2024.

What is weissmann technique?
The weissmann technique is a method of teaching and training developed by Jennifer Mann and Heidi Weiss. It is based upon an intelligent class structure, specific movement principles, and a holistic approach. When these elements are combined, they create the ideal conditions for experiencing and performing a clear, defined flow. Its roots lie in modern dance, but its expression breaks past molds, becoming a fusion that is highly
physical, musical, and dynamic. Heidi and Jennifer both hold a BFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where they studied American modern dance techniques such as Horton, Humphrey/Limon, Graham, Taylor, and Wigman. Their modern dance education, combined with jazz, improvisation, and a deep immersion in the practice and studies of yoga and meditation, are all components that have led to the development of this unique training method. Many years of collaborative, choreographic work and research have also greatly contributed to their movement vocabulary and the formation of the weissmann technique. Jennifer and Heidi are experienced teachers who have been dedicated to contemporary dance for over 27 years. Offering their explosive energy and passion for moving, they are both well known in the Berlin scene and internationally for their inspirational and motivational style of teaching: skillful whilst creating a positive atmosphere, helping dancers to transcend their comfort zones. We would be happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. post@weissmann-technique.com

Jennifer Mann and Heidi Weiss

Photo: TijnGwann, Hess Alexander