
Contemporary for professionals

mit Bianca Braunesberger

Contemporary for professionals


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ROOMS of ACTION/ taskoriented Movement Research & Alignment - Training with Bianca Anne Braunesberger

Opening the dancers' bodies and all the energy channels trhough techniques of Yoga and Nuad Thai Bodywork - accessing the movers' stamina with specific exercises that strenghten the body and mind and increase the physicality, preventing injury. Main focus of the classes is the taskoriented movement research which allows individual exploration in a safe space, that helps to open opportunities to discover more and more layers of your movement qualities. We will reveal our potential to endlessly create movements and to deepen the knowledge of connecting to your intuition as a dancer. The ability of Improvisation as a precious quality in our dancers' lives. We will be diving into our individual physical universes of creative expression and also invite each other to join and set impulses to go even further. The classes will include warm up through awakening practices as mentioned above, technical training, individual tools, working in pairs and discovering group dynamics.

Bianca Anne Braunesberger is freelance choreographer, dance artist and music artist based in Vienna, Austria. She found Cie.tauschfühlung as a contemporary Dance- & Musiccompany in 2011 and offers individual sessions for regeneration and creation retreats with MO(ve)MENTS of PEACE.

Photo: Claude Hofer, 2021