Performance, Concert

Songs of Oh and Woe

Jeremy Wade in Concert with Bráulio Bandeira

Songs of Oh and Woe

The evening explores the rich traditions of folk music and queer oral histories, pushing the boundaries of dance music into the realms of noise, ambience and field recordings. Soundscapes guide the unfolding of bodies, creating difficult, vivid atmospheres of intimacy and memory, joy and sorrow.
The two artists bring their personal dance histories to this collaboration, but focus on the development of their work in the field of music. Bráulio Bandeira is an electronic music producer and DJ known as DEEPNEUE. Jeremy Wade's performance practice is currently evolving into cabaret, stand-up and character work as Puddles the Pelican, a „Blood and Guts“ Concert-Cabaret-Odyssey.
Yet the body remains a complex actor in this performance, where movement and sound interact to reflect personal and collective narratives of „oh and woe“. Together they sing "In ti mate, in it, in awe, in disgust, in memory, in memorial, in celebration, in folk story telling, in queer oral histories, in the shape of a concert, in reverence of the song, in different about songs, in decisive, in song, in dance, in owe, in woe, in and out of time….”

Created by Jeremy Wade in collaboration with: Bráulio Bandeira
Production support: Darcey Bennett
Photos: Ali Bay

Duration: 55 min
Language: English