
Contemporary for professionals

with Annukka Hirvonen

Contemporary for professionals


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"During the class we move from the research of our personal movement material through somatic-anatomical principles and imagination, into an active, playful relationship with space, time and other dancers, building towards techniques of instant composition. We work on clarity of awareness and perception, exploring how from a state of participation and support each action and movement in its particular dynamics and character speaks and communicates. We look for an effortless, sustainable physicality and technique; a body that is soft and receptive, yet awake, perceptive and alert, evolving towards a deeply embodied dancing presence, from where improvisation and composition naturally and intuitively emerge in alignment with the present moment. Creation of short, instantly composed pieces as a part of each day integrates the process into an artistic, performative outcome, which we observe and participate in."

Annukka Hirvonen is a dancer, choreographer and teacher originally from Finland, based in Berlin since 2013. Her work and artistic research are highly inspired and influenced by the art of improvisation and instant composition, as resources and processes for choreographic work and creation, and practices of embodied knowing, intuition and play. She is continuously creating and performing collaborative multidisciplinary works with other artists, which have been presented in several venues and festivals in Berlin and internationally (Soundance Festival / Dock11, Sophiensaele / 100 Grad Festival Jury Price winner 2015 with Collective ONE:THIRD, Laborgras, Acker Stadt Palast, Urbanraum amongst others). She is a co-founder / artist in Berlin based Company HAA, and between 2019-2020 she curated "Urban Performance Series" in Urbanraum. She holds a Master of Arts in Education (University of Oulu, Finland) and Bachelor of Arts in Dance Performance (Fontys Dance Academy, Netherlands) and Dance Teaching (University of Applied Sciences Oulu, Finland). With a solid teaching experience in contemporary dance and improvisation since 2008, she is regularly giving classes and workshops in different settings.