
Streaming Theatre Jahresgruppe

with Sascha Hermeth & Tanja Onken

Streaming Theatre Jahresgruppe

Dates 2024: May 4-5 / June 8-9 / July 6-7 / September 21-22 / October 26-27 (Sat 10-19 h and Sun 10-15 h). Participation on individual dates is not possible, but it is possible to drop out after the first date.


Registration: We would like to get to know those we don't know beforehand. Group size min. 8, max. 12 people.

DOCK 11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin

Sascha Hermeth
Body psychotherapist, HP Psych, actor & theater educator

Tanja Onken
Body Psychotherapist, HP Psych,
Streaming Theater-Practitioner,

If you would like to go on a journey of discovery through your innermost self in a fixed group with the means of theater, then you are cordially invited. On 5 dates we will experiment with body movement, breathing rituals, with and without text, scenes and contact improvisations. We will travel through our bodies with sensitive perception and listen to impulses, old and new, loud and quiet - and try out their expression. The stage always serves us as a space to play and as a protected space where we can relate to our impulses - beyond daily evaluation norms: With ourselves and with the others in the group