Somatic Voice: Inner Voice, Song and Digital Voice Processing

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In this two days Workshop we will explore concepts of the inner voice as a tool to write Text, Lyric, Poetry and Song and explore how we can use digital voice manipulation technology to facilitate vocal performance that exists outside of patriarchal, ableist and conservatory notions of training and qualifications of expression.

How can digital voice processing methods facilitate methods of singing together and alone? How can it inspire our work?
How do I get connected to my inner voice as a text creation tool?

Somatic Voice: A practice that highlights and foregrounds the sensation inside the body as research, exploration and performance method. It can be understood as opposing a westernised and classical notion of singing, where external factors like pitch and precision determine how a performance is perceived.

Day 1: somatic solo and group exercises and development of text. Demonstration of digital voice processing methods like Auto-tune, formant shifting, reverbs, loop software…
Day 2: somatic solo and group exercises, further work on the text in combination with digital processing.

More about Harald Stojan